Wine blog post title one
Intro paragraph that helps distinguish this resource in the context of similar ones. Copy this into Blog entry > Settings > Options > Excerpt so it appears in Summary blocks like the one I’ve set up on the right of this blog entry to display similarly-tagged (Wine) posts.
Extra information you might excerpt from the PDF to own the value yourself, promote your Google expertise ranking and appear higher in search results. Here’s the steps to go through to create your own blog entries:
Duplicate an existing blog entry, Ellipsis (…) next to blog entry title in list on left
Open/edit the new blog entry
Update its title and intro paragraph
Copy your newly-typed intro paragraph (it may pay to paste into a handy plaintext editor app window like Text Editor on the Mac)
Open the blog entry’s Settings, Ellipsis (…) next to blog entry title in list on left
Settings > Content
Ensure Status is Published, edit the publication date time if you want to decide the display order of blog entries: latest dates display first, oldest dates last
> Tags: Type Beer or Wine or other highest level tag (if you create a new tag, be sure to remove inaccurate old ones from the post here)
> Categories leave for now
> Comments leave off (a Facebook group is better for engagement)
Settings > Options
Thumbnail image: ignore for now unless you reliably have have a distinct image for every post, so entries appear uniformly in Summary blocks
Update the Post URL (AKA slug) to reflect the title accurately and in plain English (remove random codes generated by Squarespace)
Update Author (edit your profile in site Settings to use your name, so it appears on every page and boosts your personal Google ranking)
Paste the post’s intro into Options > Excerpt
Ignore Source URL for now
Excerpt: paste blog post intro into Excerpt field to ensure it displays in Summary blocks
Leave Featured post unchecked for now, save for when you’ve got them all in and decide if you need this function later for a cross-tag campaign or similar, same goes for Catagories
Other Settings
Check Location on the first posts to ensure you’re happy with it to be on all the duplicates
Everything else pretty much looks after itself
Update Summary block, right hand side of page
If you created a new tag, update the Filter tags in the Summary block, right hand side of the blog entry, to display the same tagged posts
Upload PDF
The button block below is where you’ll upload your resource
Select the button block, click the blue Button label, top left corner of the block, select edit icon (Pen)
In button settings, bottom left of screen: Content > Link > Gear wheel icon > File > Upload file
We can hide the automated date, author and tags top and bottom of the posts later with custom CSS, so ignore for now.