Exogenous and endogenous enzymes

Enzymes can serve as multifunctional tools for fine-tuning various aspects of brewing, whether you're aiming to produce high-alcohol beers, low-calorie options, or enhance mash filtration, the right enzyme can make all the difference. This guide offers a quick overview of our specialized brewing enzymes, their functions, optimal conditions, recommended applications and beer styles. This guide allows brewers to quickly identify the right enzyme without sifting through all of our technical data sheets.

Brewer’s enzyme guide.

AEB conducted a study to identify the presence of the IRC7 gene in several strains. We go in-depth about the relevance of the gene and how it works.

Metabolism of thiol precursors.

In this second edition of a two-part series, we delve into how exogenous enzymes can serve as multifunctional tools for fine-tuning several aspects of brewing. 

Enzymes Vol.2

In this first edition of a two-part series, we explore the roles of endogenous enzymes in the brewing process, examining and explaining their functions.

Enzymes Vol.1