The subject of enzymes in brewing is often overlooked or restricted to malting and mashing processes. In a two-part edition, we'll explore how enzymes are integral to the entire brewing process. In the first edition, we will focus on understanding their functions within the brewing process. In the second part, we will navigate through the commercially available enzymes and how they can be used to expand the limits of the process and improve performance.
Enzymes are complex multifunctional polymers of amino acids that catalyse nearly all chemical reactions in biological systems. They lower the energy required to initiate a reaction, thereby increasing the reaction rate. Additionally, they enhance the specificity of the reactions. [1] All metabolic pathways must be regulated and controlled to prevent the accumulation of unnecessary end products. A cell can control a metabolic pathway by the presence or absence of a specific enzyme or through feedback inhibition.[2] The mechanism by which enzymes work resembles a lock-and-key concept, where the enzyme attaches to active sites. This attachment facilitates feedback and regulation processes, resulting in specific outcomes in the process or product.
As for most processes in nature, enzymes are integral to the brewing process. Malting involves the precise activation and regulation of enzymes naturally present in the grain under controlled conditions, freeing up the extract for use and providing brewers with the necessary enzyme portfolio to make the substrate fermentable. Both brewing and malting centre around the carbohydrates and proteins found in barley kernels. The activation of carbohydrate- and protein-reducing enzymes breaks down starch into simple sugars and achieves an acceptable protein spectrum. [3] Though these reactions are not visible to the naked eye, they occur throughout the entire process.
The primary enzymes involved in brewing and malting can be broken down into 3 main categories: amylases (carbohydrate enzymes), proteases (protein enzymes), peptidases (which break down protein components into amino acids), and β-glucanases and xylanases (cellulose enzymes). In the brewing context, 3 parameters become crucial for the functionality of enzymes: time, temperature, and pH.
Carbohydrates are chains of glucose (simple sugar) molecules bonded together. Starches consist of fermentable α-glucose, which is highly reactive to enzymes and thus easily broken down. The edible parts of plants often contain a series of α-glucose molecules, while cellulose is made up of non-fermentable β-glucose. [4] Barley malt is approximately 60% starch, with 75-80% being amylopectin and 20-25% amylose [4] Amylose consists of linear glucose chains, whereas amylopectin has a multi-branched structure of glucose chains. The difference in how these glucose units are linked results in varying extractability and fermentability. [3]
Proteins are built from combinations of 25 different amino acids and form part of the structural matrix of a cell. The main source of protein in brewing comes from the endosperm of the barley kernel, primarily in the form of storage proteins like hordein and glutelin. These proteins are crucial for the beer's body and foam stability, providing essential amino acids for yeast nutrition and contributing to the beer's flavour, mouthfeel, foam, and colour. However, larger proteins can cause issues such as turbidity and chill haze
The primary objective of the germination process is to facilitate the development of enzymes necessary for digestion, making materials from the internal matrix available. Hydrolases are a class of enzymes that use water to break chemical bonds. There are two main classes of carbohydrate hydrolases within the seed: those that break down the cell wall into glucose and those that convert starch into smaller sugars once the walls have been broken down. Proteases, β-glucanase, and xylanase deconstruct the cell matrix that stores the starch granules. Subsequently, α- and β-amylase break down the released starch. The maltster's main goal throughout this process is to maximize the digestion of the cell wall while controlling the amount of starch digestion.
Mechanism of action of an enzyme.
With a desired fraction targeted, the main objective of this part of the process is to produce fermentable sugars. Several enzymes are at work during this.
Breaks down large, complex, starch molecules into dextrins and oligosaccharides for β-amylase. It can attack a starch molecule at any point along the chain, which helps in liquefying the starch.
Optimal Temperature: 68-72°C (154-162°F)
Optimal pH: 5.3-5.7
Digests strands of starch and dextrins produced by ɑ-amylase into maltose molecules (fermentable sugar) increasing the fermentation yield It works from the non-reducing ends of starch chains, breaking down one molecule at a time and it can only break linear bonds,.
Optimal Temperature: 55-65°C (131-149°F)
Optimal pH: 5.0-5.5
Glucoamylase (Amyloglucosidase):
Breaks down dextrins and oligosaccharides all the way to glucose by hydrolyzing both alpha-1,4 and alpha-1,6 glycosidic bonds.
Optimal Temperature: 55-65°C (131-149°F)
Optimal pH: 4.0-4.5
Limit Dextrinase (Pullulanase)
Breaks down dextrins and oligosaccharides all the way to glucose by hydrolyzing both alpha-1,4 and alpha-1,6 glycosidic bonds.
Optimal Temperature: 55-65°C (131-149°F)
Optimal pH: 4.0-4.5
Break down proteins into peptides and amino acids, which are essential nutrients for yeast during fermentation. This process also helps reduce haze in the final beer.
Optimal Temperature: 45-55°C (113-131°F)
Optimal pH: 4.5-5.5
Breaks down beta-glucans, which are gummy polysaccharides, major structural component of the cell wall of barley that can increase wort viscosity and cause filtration problems. This enzyme helps improve wort flow and extraction efficiency.
Optimal Temperature: 40-50°C (104-122°F)
Optimal pH: 4.5-5.0
Click here to look at our full range of enzymes.
Click here to read Enzymes Vol.2
Ana Victoria Vasquez de la Peña
2 July 2024
Enzymes - Latest research and news | Nature (no date)
Control of metabolic pathways using enzymes - Metabolic pathways - Higher Biology Revision (no date) BBC Bitesize. Available at:
Sammartino, M. (2015) ‘Enzymes in Brewing ’, MBAA, 52(3), pp. 156–164.
Difference between Alpha Glucose and Beta Glucose (no date) Unacademy. Available at:
Hydrolase - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics (no date) Available at:
Bank, R.P.D. (no date) RCSB PDB - 1AMY: CRYSTAL AND MOLECULAR STRUCTURE OF BARLEY ALPHA-AMYLASE, Available at: (Accessed: 2 July 2024).