Crafting perfection. Expanding the limits of the process.

Make your process faster, more efficient and sustainable while ensuring consistent quality and maximum yield.


  • ENDOZYM® Brewmix Plus

    Endozym Brewmix Plus is a blend of ß-glucanase, α-amylase, and protease for better fermentability and a more efficient filtration, allowing for greater flexibility in raw material choice.

  • ENDOZYM® Glucacel UHT

    Endozym Glucacel UHT is a ß-glucanase that breaks down complex ß-glucans into smaller units to reduce wort viscosity and improve lautering and filtration.

  • ENDOZYM® Protease GF

    Endozym Protease GF breaks down proteins into smaller units and increases levels of soluble protein and FAN to support yeast during fermentation. It is used to make gluten-free beer.

  • ENDOZYM® AGP 120

    Endozym AGP 120 is a blend of α-amylase, amyloglucosidase, and pullulanase designed to maximise starch conversion into fermentable sugars. For highly attenuated beers such as low-carb beers with a dry and crisp finish.

  • ENDOZYM® Alphamyl SB1

    Endozym Alphamyl SB1 is used at higher temperatures than those normally allowed for other bacterial amylases. It is used in the brew house during mashing in order to facilitate the hydrolysis of starch and its prompt transformation into fermentable maltose, glucose and soluble dextrins.


    Endozym AMG is the saccharification enzyme glucoamylase applied during mashing to break down starch and dextrins into glucose. It is also the enzyme to use when brewing light or low-calorie beers.
