Protect your beer and make your process more efficient with our unique range of tannins, stabilisers and process aids

  • AEB Antioxin SBT

    Add at low temperatures during mashing to minimise oxidation (LOX). Improve shelf life of packaged and keg beers.

  • AEB Polygel BH

    PVPP and SiO2 blend to stabilise and clarify wort. Increase wort collection and filterability

  • AEB Spindasol SB3

    Silica sol for clarification. Add during maturation to increase sedimentation of yeast and other haze forming particles

  • AEB Spindasol SB1

    Low dosage relative to other silica sols. Add directly to wort kettle at the end of the boil. Reduction in volume of coarse break, clearer wort, less waste, compact sedimentation, improved filterability

  • AEB Gallobrew

    Gall tannin that reacts with and clarifies wort from oxidative enzymes. Prevents oxidation of beer.

  • AEB Batfoam SB1

    Anti-foaming agent made from food grade silicon. Prevents foam formation by reducing surface tension. Add during wort boiling and fermentation.


Polygel BH

An excess of polyphenolic substances leads to unstable clarity by the formation of protein-polyphenol which causes visual turbidity and the possible deterioration of flavour. POLYGEL BH forms highly stable complexes with these polyphenolic substances in wort and adsorbs protein substances, by doing so it improves steps of the brewing process that translate into qualitative and economic benefits.

Click here to read more.

Spindasol SB3

Improve clarity, optimize filtration and accelerate sedimentation with this fining agent.  Look into all the qualitative and economic benefits of spindasol. 

Click here to read more.

Spindasol SB1

Low dosage relative to other silica sols. Add directly to the wort kettle at the end of the boil. Reduction in volume of coarse break, clearer wort, less waste, compact sedimentation, improved filterability.